With more than a century of history, Ravinia is a touchstone connecting music to life across generations.

Making a planned or commemorative gift to Ravinia gives you the opportunity to share your own deep connection and ensure access to the Ravinia experience—from extraordinary performances and our beautiful park to music education and professional artistic training—for future music lovers and makers.

Planned Giving

Sustain the magic and assure the future.

When you include Ravinia in your estate plans, you are nurturing more than just music. You’re cultivating the park where family gathers, memories are made, and the magic of performance intertwines with the beauty of nature. With your support, Ravinia will continue as a vibrant organization for generations to come.

Types of Gifts

Your visionary generosity to future audiences and artists can be given in many different ways, including direct payments to Ravinia’s endowment, the Fund to Assure Ravinia’s Future. Gifts to the endowment fund can even allow you or a beneficiary to receive an income for life. Planned gifts can also be easily made as bequests in your estate plans, after you have provided for any family and meaningful persons in your life to your satisfaction. The tools to extend your legacy at Ravinia include:

  • Will / Revocable trust bequest
  • Retirement plan designation
  • Life insurance designation
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust

Benefits and Recognition

You and your family can benefit directly from providing for Ravinia in your estate plans, including immediate tax deductions, estate tax savings, and investment income. By supporting the festival with a planned gift, you become a member of the prestigious Edward Gordon Society, named in memory of our esteemed longtime Executive Director, and receive several annual Ravinia benefits such as advance ticketing privileges as well as special recognition opportunities.

The exemplary generosity of members who have planned gifts valued at $100,000 or more is further recognized with membership in the Marion Lloyd Circle, which memorializes the distinguished 1971–75 Ravinia chairman.

Start Planning

If you are interested in leaving a lasting legacy at Ravinia through endowment or planned giving, you can begin by sending us a completed copy of the Planned Giving Confirmation form.

Download Planned Giving Confirmation Form

Start a Discussion

If you would like more information about endowment or planned giving to Ravinia, please contact Chelsea Smith, Director of Major Gifts, by email or at 847‑266‑5494 to discuss options that relate to your interests.

Email Us

Dedicate a Tree

Established in 1972, the “To Beautify Ravinia” commemorative gift program is one of the many fundraising projects led by the Ravinia Women’s Board. This program offers the opportunity to dedicate trees at Ravinia in honor of your loved ones.

Many beautiful trees throughout the park are available for dedication, including honey locust, red oak, green seedless ash, river birch, and Japanese tree lilac. Prices are determined by tree variety, size, and location. Signage installed on each tree recognizes the donor and the honoree.

Tax-deductible donations start at $8,000.

For more information about tree dedication opportunities, contact the Women’s Board office at 847‑266‑5047.

Tribute Gifts

There is no greater tribute to a loved one than a beautiful memory.

There are milestones in our lives that merit special recognition. The Tribute Fund, managed by the Ravinia Women’s Board, provides an opportunity to impactfully commemorate a special occasion or honor the life of a loved one.

Donations to the Tribute Fund may be made in any amount and are fully tax-deductible. For every gift, a personalized card is sent in your name to the honoree, or their family, apprising them of your meaningful tribute. The Women’s Board will also send you a formal acknowledgment of the gift.

We invite you to remember Ravinia when you remember your loved ones. All contributions fully support Ravinia and our Reach Teach Play programs. Gifts to the Tribute Fund do not come with any Ravinia Annual Fund benefits.

For more information about contributing to the Tribute Fund, please contact the Women’s Board office at 847‑266‑5047.

Make a Tribute Fund Gift